How To Use - Click Here To Expand
- Copy relevant portion of the job description and paste it in the text box below.
- Optionally, you can tick the Treat UPPERCASE words as keywords checkbox to consider all uppercase words as keywords or tick the Treat Titlecase words as keywords checkbox to consider all titlecase words as keywords
- Click on Analyse button.
- In the result section, important keywords will be highlighted. Keywords are shown, either in bold red or semi-bold or regular fashion, depending on how frequently they appear in the text. More the frequency, bolder the keywords. All the words which are unimportant are shown in pale gray color.
- If you feel that some words are wrongly highlighted as keywords, select them in the results pane (one at a time) and click on Add To Ignore List button. All the words you marked to be ignored can be seen in the textbox below the button.
- You can click on Copy To Clipboard button to copy all the keywords. If you also want to copy the frequency count for each keyword, tick the Copy word counts checkbox before copying.
- Happy job hunting!